Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Yes, I am in full-time ministry.
Yes, I know people look to me as a Christ-like example.
Yes, I love Jesus.
Yes, I am aware of the things I post, listen to and watch because of the reasons listed above. BUT...

Yes, I went to the movies and watched the rated "R" movie Bad Moms

What?!!! I know right?.  I get it. Some of you will disagree with me, oppose me, or even feel disappointed by me but hear me out.
I didn't walk into the wrong movie theatre on accident. I wasn't peer pressured by Bad Moms into seeing it. I intentionally wanted to see it...from the moment I saw the previews I was drawn to it. And I wasn't alone. Mom after mom had seen it, was making plans to see it, or was on their way to see it again.


Because every freaking woman I know (whether you admit it or not) could relate to the lead character in wanting to say, "I quit".

Was the movie inappropriate? yes. Was it disturbing in a lot of ways yes. BUT...

For 2 hours I watched what I secretly wanted to do:
-bring store bought donut holes to the school bake sale
-tell my kids that mom was done and they needed to make their own breakfast
-share with other moms all the flaws of my kids without feeling the judgement of my parenting

The world was telling us what God already had.


The difference between the world and God is
-the world wants us to simply find peace in our imperfections
-while God knows its impossible to find peace in our imperfections without finding peace in His perfections.

As a Jew from birth born into the Israel tribe of Benjamin and a member of the religous leaders, Pharisees, Paul understood what it meant to follow the thousands of rules that went along with his religion. The Pharisees were the judgemental moms on steroids. So when he became a follower of Christ, we see througout the book of Philippians his excitment of being set free from the rules to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus.

"But I press on the posess that perfection for which Jesus first possesed me. No dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing, forgetting the past and looking foward to what lies ahead. I press on to reach the end of the race and recieve the heavenly prize for which God, thorugh Jesus is calling us." Philippians 3:12-14

Paul had not achieved what he wanted to do or who he wanted to be (can you relate?). But he wasn't discouraged by it, overwhelmed because of it, or burdened over it.
Failing meant pressing on.
Imperfection meant pressing on.
Falling short meant pressing on.

What Bad Moms did for moms is what Jesus wants to do for all moms, wives, women, people everywhere: Release us from these feelings, thoughts, and guilt of not being perfect. But know we are loved by perfection.



Its not about being perfect but finding feedom in the perfection of Christ.

We don't presson for our perfection, we press on to find our identity in His. all my mommas who are tired, overwhelmed and sick of living up to the "perfect pinterest" life and just want to quit...Please hang in there sweet friend.

Jesus didn't die for you because you were perfect, He died for you because you weren't!!

Lets live this life of a BAD MOM because we serve a GREAT GOD!