Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hello friends,

Wow! I can't believe it is March already! And with that comes OU softball chapels for me. I serve as the chaplain for the University of Oklahoma softball team. This is my 4 year and let me tell you- this one part of the ministry is more challenging than the other parts combined. We have a chapel on Sundays of home games and do a bible study every other week. We had our first chapel this past weekend and had 12 out of 16 players attended-our best attedance. Woo Hoo!
You all remember this time in our life when we were free to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted, and with whom ever we wanted. You are trying to find out what you believe and if its the same as your parents, grandparents, or none of the above. Its a time for fun and to find out who you are as a person. I once heard that college was "Satan's playground." How scary is that to think about and I think about it often as I deal with these amazing young ladies. All I know is that these girls are away from home, parents, family, friends, and I hope that I can be an outlet to them and give them advice based on the Word and not the World. If you have a child in college-pray for them! If you have a child in high school-pray for them. If you have a child in diapers-pray for them.
One of the prayers that I pray for my children everyday is that God would always put people in their life (friends, mentors, coaches, positive role models) that reflect that of Christ. So even though I may not always be there I can rest assured God is-even if they do go to Satan's playground.
Have a super week!

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