Friday, December 10, 2010

The Great I AM

Do you ever just get in those ruts? You just kinda feel blah. Nothings really going wrong, but nothing is really going great either. I don't know if its the colder weather or the lack of sleep (my baby boy is not sleeping so well right now), but what ever it is I don't like it! I am clawing my way out of this rut and what better way to do it than taking my focus off me and turning it to God. So...That's what I have been trying to do. I read a book by Louie Giglio called "I am not, but I know I AM." Wow! It was an awesome book and I totally recommend it. In it, it talks about Moses at the burning bush. In Exodus 3, Moses asks God, "God, suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me. 'What is His name?' Then what shall I tell them?" God says to Moses, "I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: "I AM has sent me to you."

God's name is I AM! I love that!

God is so awesome, He doesn't even have a name. He's just I AM. I started looking in the Bible about all the things I AM is and the more I did, the smaller I got and the bigger God got. The power of I AM is so overwhelming.

When YOU are overwhelmed...........I AM parted the Red Sea
When YOU feel powerless................I am created the universe and yet knows your name

When YOU are sad............................I AM raised Lazarus from the dead

When YOU get frustrated...................I AM went through rejection from man so you would never have to been rejected from God

When YOU start to lose hope.............I AM is Hope

When YOU don't feel love......................I AM is Love

When YOU don't feel accepted.................I AM is Forgiveness

When YOU don't feel purpose.................I AM is your purpose
When YOU feel insignificant.........................I AM created you for significance
When YOU feel underapprciated.................I AM looks at you with proud Father eyes

When YOU feel inadequate......................I AM uses the inadequate
When you feel I AM is No Where..............Remember, I AM is the Alpha and Omega, who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.

There are so many times when we get in these ruts that we don't feel I AM in the present so we must go back and be reminded of who I AM was in the past. The past gives us hope and power that I AM is working in the present for the future. May you be encouraged by I AM today!

Just for a little extra encouragement, Go listen to Nicole C. Mullen's song I AM and get your praise on:)