Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year, New You

Happy New Year!!!

I hope you each had great Holiday season with your family and friends. I have never been one that made new years resolutions, but this year our pastor challenged us to pursue God in asking for one thing this year. Maybe its "one thing" you desire from God or "one thing" you lack or "one thing" you need to let go. Whatever it is I want to challenge you, like our pastor challenged us, to answer at least one of these questions. There is something God wants to do IN you while preparing to do something through you. Now for me, I could easily ask God to SELL OUR HOUSE!!! That could be my one thing, but what fun is that.
So, after much prayer and thought I have decided what my "one thing" will be this year: To be bold for the name of Christ in TRUTH and GRACE while having complete humility. Now if you know me, you might think, "Being bold is not a problem." Well, you are partly right:) I am called to be bold with truth and grace. There are times when I want to speak only truth without the grace, which comes off as being judgemental, but then there are times when I speak grace with little truth and it comes off being passive. The bible teaches us in John 1:17 that Jesus came in Truth and Grace and if I could show the people around me both-that would be awesome! Now, I added the last phrase "with complete humility" because I know myself. The moment I can fully understand showing both truth and grace, I want to remind myself it wasn't on my own, but with Christ and Christ alone! Galations 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ. I no longer live, but Christ lives within me." OK, now that I have been real with you I want you to be real with me. What is your "one thing" for 2010? Let me know!!!

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