Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The best quote ever!!!

So...I was on facebook and I ran across a guy who was in my youth group back in the day and had this as one of his favorite quotes: God never said it would be easy. He just said it would be worth it! I love it! That quote hit me right between the eyes. Is this not so true in every aspect of our life?

Wait for the right person to marry-It will be worth it

Wait to have sex before you get married-It will be worth it

Wait on the job that is perfect for you and your family-It will be worth it

Wait until you have the cash to pay for something-It will be worth it

Wait for God's direction and not your own-It will be worth it

Wait for God to answer your prayer-It will be worth it

It may be hard being bold for Christ in your work, home, friends-It will be worth it

It may be hard staying true and faithful to your family-It will be worth it

It may be hard living in a world that rejects God-It will be worth it

The Bible teaches us that if we lose our life we will gain it. Giving up our life is suppose to be the most freeing thing, but we like to make things difficult and make it the most trying thing. Francis Chan, pastor and author of Crazy Love says that when things go wrong or get hard, we tend to hold on to them a little tighter instead of giving them fully over to God. Why? Because when things are going great-God is doing a great job with my life. But when things start getting a little tough, we think God must need a little help and we grab the wheel back and try to take over. The Bible says that God works ALL things to the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Yes, even the hard times!

I want to encourage you each time you have a bad day, month, or even year resist the temptation to take the reigns back in your life. God never said it would be easy-He just said it would be worth it!!!!

Be encouraged today!!!!

1 comment:

The Trotter Family said...

Great post and very encouraging!!