Friday, September 17, 2010

Lessons from Mrs. Marcum

So....I was helping out at the OU softball tournament and they had my working next a 75 year old lady, Mrs. Marcum. Oh-we had the best time! For 3 hours we talked about our families, our jobs (Yep-she still works because she loves it!), and our relationship with Jesus.
She is so in love with Jesus! The way she talked about Him made me want to get saved all over again. When talking about her family, she could have shared if they were great athletes or if they were smart or what they all did for a living, but Nope-she shared with me how each one came to know Jesus. As I was soaking in everything she had to say, we were interrupted by a woman wanting to buy a shirt. This "interruption" became an amazing divine intervention. The customer was writing a check for her shirt and asked what day it was. Then she asked what month and year as well. She then apologized for so many questions and added that she was suffering from a terminal brain tumor that caused her to say and do silly things. Without missing a beat, my new friend said, "Honey, do you know Jesus?"
I couldn't believe her boldness (this-coming from someone who is in full time vocational ministry). She didn't care what people thought, she just wanting to make sure this young lady had a relationship with Jesus. They proceeded to talk about what all the ladies tattoos meant and how she lost her son to suicide in February and I watched in awe of how compassionate, sincere, and loving Mrs. Marcum was to someone she had never met and would probably never see again. I truly believe I got a glimpse of the meaning "What would Jesus do?"

The customer left and I couldn't get enough of Mrs. Marcum's heart and wisdom. She then began to talk about her husband of 56 years!!! She was so open and honest about marriage and how it wasn't always perfect and sometimes she had to give 100%-there is no 50-50 in marriage. Oh, but how she loved her husband!!! I asked her if she could give me one piece of advice in strengthening my own marriage, what would it be? She winked and simply said, "Honey, I never had a headache a day in my life." We just burst out laughing. Wisdom and sense of humor? This lady has it all!

If I could impart some of Mrs. Marcum's wisdom on you I would encourage and challenge you to 1) Be bold for Jesus today! Our relationship with Jesus is personal, but it should never be private!
2) Look for an opportunity to show someone Jesus. God may want to use you to show His Heart, His Love, and His Compassion!
3) Love your Spouse, pray for your spouse, encourage your spouse, even when it is hard. Marrieage is not easy, but it is worth it and the rewards are a love for 56 years (and maybe a few less headaches:))

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