Friday, August 22, 2008

Extraordinary Women

Hello all!
It is August 22, 2008 which for most people it means sending your kids back to school, summer is over, and for a lot of people it is the start of a brand new year. If you are a wife of a football coach it means it is time: time to be a single parent, time to eat dinners alone, time to put on the face paint and the strong face of I am your number one fan, but man I sure am lonely, but I will never let you know that. Yep, it is that time. But I am starting a whole new outlook on going to games-now it is going to games with 2 toddlers. I went to my husbands first scrimmage yesterday with my 2 kids (4 and 2) and was there for 3 hours and didn't see a single down. The multiple trips to the bathroom and the concession stand, the "can I sit on my sister's head" questions, changing diapers did not allow me to be the fan I wanted to be. My husband said he noticed during the game that I had one kid on my shoulders and the other kid on my hip and he turned to another coach and said, "Do you think my wife is enjoying the scrimmage?" The answer is yes!!! Why? because I love my husband more than anything!

Yes, sometimes when the feelings of love have hidden themselves in resentment I choose to love him because that is what we are called to do. I am reading a book called 12 extraordinary women by John Macauther. It is awesome. It takes 12 women of the bible and talks about what makes them great! They were great not because of their careers, but because of their character. They chose to love, they chose to follow God, they chose to be faithful to their family and faith. My favorite part of the book so far is this quote: "The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved." How great is that!!! We are called to be his partner in life, in sport, and in career. Girls, we are in this together. I want to challenge you to choose to be great this year!!!

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