Monday, September 21, 2009

Just say yes!

Hello Friends!

This post is to encourage and challenge YOU personally! Being the wife of a coach, mother of 3 and in work in the ministry, life can get a little chaotic. You feel like your are being stretched in so many directions. I know there are some individuals out there who can relate. Well, I have always felt like I have been extremely honest with you and will not stop now. My quiet times over the last 4 months have been very sporadic, popcorn prayers throughout the day and even some days non-existent. Those times where I would just sit for hours reading and studying scripture, taking every bit of God in I could was now being replaced with making lunches, car pooling to school, school fundraisers, hauling 3 kids to my husbands games, leading bible studies, speaking engagements and on and on and on..... God got moved to the backseat. Not intentional, but it happened and the crazy thing is I didn't even realize it...until yesterday.
God used the message at church to get my attention. It was like he was standing right there jumping up and down saying, "Hey, Remember me!!! I'm the reason for your family! I am the reason for your ministry! I'm am the reason for YOU!!!
I broke down at church and ask God to forgive me and help me because I had all these life things that could be so overwhelming. I opened my Bible today to study John 5 and read the story of the man who was healed at the pool. This man had been crippled for 38 years and Jesus came by and asked, "Do you want to be healed?" I would think after 38 years if someone asked me that I would emphatically say YES!!! But he didn't. He had excuses of why he wasn't healed. Oh my goodness, that is me!!! Jesus asked me, "Sarah, do you want to spend more time with me?" My answer wasn't just Yes, it was Yes, but.... and it was clear, my answer should simply be yes! Sarah, do you want to know me more deeply-yes! Sarah, do you want to hear my voice-yes! Sarah, do you want me to lead you, yes!
Maybe, you are reading this blog and God is asking you some of those same questions and what will your answer be?
"See FIRST the Kingdom of God and all these things should be added unto you" Matthew 6:33

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you that your blog has been such an encouragement to me. I have been in the same place with this! I just need to say YES! Thank you for being open and honest! Thank you for being REAL in a world of masks and distrust. Thank you for sharing your life.
I've thanked God for you and asked Him to bless you and your family. Keep it up! I really enjoy reading and growing!