Monday, August 15, 2011

Still learning "mom" lessons...

My baby girl has turned 5! I can't believe it. I love my Chloe and she is truly a blast to hang out with, but man the drama. I am starting to think Pre-teen begins at 5. I have found myself asking God...Where does that drama come from...or the attitude.. or the rolling of the eyes...or the insecurities? These aren't anything I have told her how a princess of God acts. And then it happened...

A quiet whisper of my heavenly father, "What you want your daughter to become, you need to be." Wow!!! He is exactly right! I can tell her all day how to be, but if I don't show her by example, she will never buy into it. It is just plain hypocritical!

1 Corinthians 11:1 says, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."

I am her example. If I want her to find her security in Christ, then I must find it first. If I want her not to be disrespectful, I must not be disrespectful first. If I want her reflect Christ, I must reflect Christ first. If I want her to speak uplifting words, I must speak them first. If I want her not be materialistic, I must not be materialistic first. If I want her not to care what other people think, I must not care first. If I want her to pursue righteousness, I must pursue righteousness first. If I want her to love what she sees in the mirror, then I must love what I see in the mirror first.

I cant simply point her to the example of Christ, Nope, I must be the example of Christ in order to show her Christ. She needs to see encouragement in me. She needs to see being a servant in me. She needs to see purity in me. She needs to see modesty in me. She needs to see, holding my tongue, in me. She needs to see Jesus in me!

In the words of John the Baptist, "I must become less, and He must become more."

Here's to setting the example.....

1 comment:

Jess said...

Thank you, Sarah, for such a great post! It is something I need to always remember, especially since little girls grow up in such a different world now than we did. I love your blog, and I love YOU! :)