Monday, October 20, 2008

Big News!

I know I am writing on the same day, but i needed to make this a completely different entry. Today was a great day. So you will understand how great of a day it was I have to tell you our story from the beginning. As you can see, we have 2 beautiful children which we love dearly. Unfortunately, we were not able to get pregnant on our own (I have issues). I had to have surgery to get pregnant with both children. We had always wanted 3 children because I come from a family of 3 girls and my husband comes from a family of 3 boys so when we got pregnant on our own, we were elated. We just knew this was a miracle from God! The bad news-at 8 weeks I miscarried. We were so sad, but as the Natalie Grant song says, "We will not be moved." Two months later I found out I was pregnant again! We couldn't believe it. We knew God was faithful and He was going to give us the desire of our hearts: a third child. We went in for an ultrasound and we saw a heartbeat, a faint one, but there was one. We were pumped! At 11 weeks we went in for a follow up and this time there was no heartbeat. Our hearts were crushed. We couldn't do this again. But in that small room, my husband and I, weeping so hard, made a promise: We were going to praise Him when we win and we were going to praise Him when we lose. Spoken like a coach and his wife:) It was hard, don't get me wrong. I had good days, bad days, and even worse days, but I clung to the verse in Psalms that says, "He is close to the brokenhearted and he saves those who are crushed in spirit." That was us and He kept his promise!

That was September of 2007 and in September of 2008 I had made an appointment with my Dr.'s office because I was having some "issues" again. God does things in a mighty way, let me tell you! I made the appointment content with thinking I would never have another child and we were going to get this taken care of permanetly and left the Dr. with a confirmation that I was pregnant!

So why was it a great day today? We had an ultrasound this morning and we got to see our third child's heartbeat, beating at 162 beats per minute which is great!!! They said everything looked normal and perfect! Scripture tells us that "He will remain faithful, even when we are faithless."
Praise God!!!! Please pray for Roberts' family (all 5 of us:))


Anonymous said...

Praise God!!! I am so excited!! I can't wait to hold that little one and I am so blessed that our children (all 3 for each of us) have been and will be born so close together. Motherhood - what a blessed journey to go through together! I am truly thankful for your friendship! I am praising God for this miracle baby!!

I love the new look for the blog!

Have a blessed day!
Julie Myers

megan k said...

Good story!! I'm prayin' for you 2 right now!!