Monday, January 5, 2009

Girl or Boy?

Happy New Year!

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas! I know we did! One thing I love about Christmas is the traditions you create as a family. When we first found out we were pregnant with our first child we sat down and discussed how we wanted to do Christmas. Santa or no Santa, a lot of presents or a few, etc. We got an idea from a friend of ours and made it our own. On Christmas eve, we read the Christmas story from Luke and discuss that tomorrow is Jesus' birthday. Santa brings 3 gifts because that is how many gifts Jesus received from the wisemen when He was born. We then wake up on Christmas morning, eat birthday cake for breakfast, and open gifts.
Oh! It was so awesome! I would love to hear of your family traditions!

Over the Christmas break, we also had our ultrasound to found out if we were going to have a boy or a girl. Yes, I am one of those who needs to know. I have a lot of friends who don't ever find out and I always thought that was so awesome, but could not do it. We tried with our daughter, Chloe. We had them write it down and put it in an envelope. My sister had convinced us to let her know and then she would decorate the nursery. The problem was we didn't see her for a few days and the envelope was just sitting there saying, "Open me!" Chloe got her way then and has been getting her way ever since:)

All through break our families would take polls on what they thought it was. Well, do you have a guess?! The verdict is. . .Boy! Yes, we are having a boy! We are so excited and can't wait to meet our little miracle baby. We know God has something special in store for this little one.
While you are sharing your family traditions with me, please share any advice about having 3 or more kids. I could manage 2 kids going to football games by myself, but 3 seems a little overwhelming.
Love you all!


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