Friday, September 26, 2008

Round 2

The paper reads "Kingfisher makes a quarterback change." And so round 2 begins, the father is not real happy about this and my husband is just burdened. Not because he feels he made the wrong decision because he is very much at peace with the decision made to move the starting quarterback to receiver and start a different guy, but that this father is a friend and brother in Christ. We have dealt with parents being unhappy before but never has it entered into our safe place, Church. We are really praying for words of wisdom because what we really want to say are words of emotion and that can get you in trouble.

Being a coaches daughter, I called my parents to seek their words of wisdom and like always, God used them and their experiences to help us through ours. After my dad shared stories of similar situations he went through, my mom said something very profound. She said, "You can view yourselves as victims or you can conduct yourself in such a way that glorifies Christ through how you handle it." Thank you, God, for such amazing parents that lead by example.

I also was doing my quiet time this morning and read Matthew 15:10-20 and Jesus was talking about the words that come out of our mouth are a reflection of our heart. Lord, make my heart like yours. Help me to speak when I need to speak and be quiet when i need to be quiet.

Praying for God's direction for me and all of you out there who are facing similiar situations.

1 comment:

tdandboys said...

We recently went through a teribble rumor that hit the school, parents, faculty/staff and students. A player in the locker room said after a lose, don't worry guys he won't be here next year, my dad will make sure of it. 0-2 and a blow like this to anyone's ego can make you fall to your knees. Calls from parents started pouring in like crazy. Within two days the rumor had changed to Coach .... is leaving, it's his decision not to come back. Your heart melts, your mind starts racing. The next thing we know he's called into the Administration building about the rumor. It was awful for 2 weeks. Then the Senior Football players walked into his office, shut the door and stood before him. Coach, are you leaving? He stands, and says NO boys, I'll be here to Coach your sons as long as I'm allowed. Another Senior steps forward, Coach, we know who started the rumor. The name was mentioned, and two days later as Coach got the nerve to call the boy in, they talked. On Friday, game day, his Dad walked up with a note, gave it to the Administrative Assistant and asked for her to deliver it to Coach to read it before he led the boys on the field that night. After 30 minutes, he opened the letter, not knowing if it was good or bad, and it said, "Coach, I'm sorry, I started the rumor not my son. In the heat of the moment after the first lose, I said it, yes, I said it, not knowing the damage it could cause. After saying sorry, he gave his support of him, and the program.
It doesn't take much for a rumor to start. As Sarah has mentioned on several diffent occassion, you don't know who you can trust, or who is listening. When your 0-2 or maybe even worse, it doesn't take much more at all.
I am a trophy wife. I stand there every game and pray like crazy that no one gets hurt, and I pray for a win. It's not selfish I tell myself, it's his job. Every single game his job is on the line. We've done this for 13 years, our fifth school, and our fourth home. We've moved around a lot and I'm ready to stay for awhile. Being a trophy wife has it's roller coaster moments. But somehow someway I love every single one of them.